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Invite All in Facebook 2016 2017

Hope are u well.
Thanks of Allah.
Salam Everyone.

Today I wanna show u how to add all friends in your facebook page and
also how to add all friends in your closed or public group in one click only
you needed to use must google chorome.
lets follow me...
I am member of team CTR
I mean Cyber TeamRox

Now I going to invite my all friends into our team page
We needed two addons in our browser
Invite all in facebook addons for chorome
Invite all in group facebook addons for chorome
right symbol for invite all friends in facebook page
and another symbol for invite all in group

lets follow me...
hold for some time. it's autometically invite all new friends in your friend list.
now I will invite all friends in my personal group
It's take few minutes.
and autometically done :D
Thanks for watch and subscribe my channel.
Stay me.
I am B14Ck_EyE
Allah hafez.

Just close it and enjoy

all are links in ableavil in my website blog and youtube description.

for invite group:

for invite like page:

sorry for my bad connection and also bad English :

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** My Blog: http://sqli-basic.blogspot.com/

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