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Crypt0saur Ransomware/Locker Demo Video

Crypt0saur Ransomware/Locker Demo Video

Hello Viewers,
This is a Demo video of Crypt0saur Ransomware/Locker.
Crypt0saur is a php based web app Ransomware/locker.
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****This video is only for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE****

I am gonna test it on: http://www.becollegemodelschool.org/
So few  things you need to lock/encrypt any website:
1. Shell access to the targer website.
2. Crypt0saur Ransomware File.

To Encrypt Website:
First you've to simply upload the ransomware file in the target website.
(For security reason there is login option so that any other user can't use except the attacker.)
Then open that file & put your password there after that just access that ransomware file.
And Just put your Encryption key there & select "Infection" & hit submit button after that all the file(s) of that site will encrypt automatically.

To Decrypt the Encrypted Website:
After Successfull encryption process it will generate a "huehue.php" named file.
(For security reason there is login option so that any other user can't ruin the files.)
after successful login you can put your "Disinfection" key to unlock the file(s).
Then it will decrypt all of those file(s).

That's it
Thanks for watching :)

For Download The Ransomeware: Click Here


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